The Journal of School and University Medicine

Revista De Medicina Scolara si Universitara

ISSN (Print): 2392-8344   ISSN (Online): 2392-8875   DOI: 10.51546/JSUM


Pages: 48-54

Date of Publication: 31-Oct-2018

Informed consent to adults

Author: Dr. Rajka Mária

Category: Medical

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Informed consent is the basis of daily medical practice, whereby, on the one hand, the doctor informs the patient about the consultation, investigations and treatments, and on the other hand, the patient decides whether or not he wishes to take part in them. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is based on the decision by which the patient adheres or not to the medical act, and he can not be constrained in his choice. From a legal point of view, only competent patients have the right to decide on treatments themselves, according to the principle of autonomy.

Keywords: patient autonomy, information, self-determination, refusal of treatment


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