The Journal of School and University Medicine

Revista De Medicina Scolara si Universitara

ISSN (Print): 2392-8344   ISSN (Online): 2392-8875   DOI: 10.51546/JSUM


Pages: 21-31DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2024.11203

Date of Publication: 28-Jul-2024


Author: Alecsandra Andreea BUDIHOI , Valeria POP , Alexandru OZUNU , Monica POPA

Category: Medical

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Introduction: Plastic materials represent one of the main sources of waste, affecting the environment with repercussions on the human body. Until recently, this topic has not been so addressed, possibly because of many incompletely known things, but also because of the large industries that inevitably use plastic materials and want to promote and develop their businesses to their maximum potential. The following material presents the harmful effects plastic components can have on human health, which is an alarm signal for public health.

The main objective of this study is to highlight the effects of Mps and Np on human health. In carrying out our study we relied on qualitative research, while relying on a comprehensive review of existing literature and critical comparative analysis, accessing data from Science Direct, Google Scholar, journal articles, government reports, and publications of international environmental organizations, giving priority to studies published in recent years.

Results: Mps affects the reproductive system, increase the risk of vascular diseases, and last but not least these particles affect the skin, changing its normal functions. The impact that Mps and Np have on public health and also on the environment must be taken into account because these tiny particles affect all environmental factors: water, air, soil, and biodiversity.

Keywords: microplastic, nano plastic, environment, human health, risk


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