THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 7 Issue 4, October - December 2020
Pages: 25-33
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Author: Irina IOSIF, Maria ALUAS
Category: Medical
ABSTRACT. According to current Romanian Law, minors have the right to decide in the field of reproductive health, after 16 years. „Reproductive health” means the physical, mental and social well-being of human person, in relation to the genital tract, its functions and functioning, not merely the absence of disease or disability (1). What happens, however, when a minor, who is already 16 years old, approach the physician to the school medicine office and asks for contraceptives or gives information to the medical staff, which shows that he/she has sexual activity? More specifically, should medical staff inform parents or legal representatives about these issues? Through the three cases presented in this article, we want to highlight certain situations faced by doctors and nurses who treat minor patients. Our goal is to establish, from the answers given by the majority of the participants in our study, to what extent the opinions of the professionals are in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force and with the principles of medical ethics. The cases analyzed in this article have as a central element the topic of minors’ confidentiality in relation with reproductive health issues. Results and analysis of cases of violence on minors will be presented in a next issue of this publication.
Keywords: Minors, Confidentiality rights, Reproductive health
DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2020.7405
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