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About Us

The Journal of School and University Medicine is an open-access journal that aims to encourage the publishing of studies on children and adolescents' health, promote health education, and develop medical services in schools.

The Journal of School and University Medicine publishes high-quality original research articles, reviews, case reports, short communication, and letters to the editor. Information about legislation, health education, statistics, and current school medical offices' everyday activities are also acceptable as non-indexed publications. The editorial board is paying particular attention to interdisciplinary studies. 

The Journal is published every three months: October-December, January-March, April-June, and July-September, in printed version and online on the website http://www.revista-medicina-scolara.ro,  

The publication language is English. 

Our iThenticate account has a start date of 2021-02-23.

The journal content is archived by the National Library of Romania. The articles can be accessed from the web site archive.

The journal allow for ORCID IDs to be present in article metadata.

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2022 https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?id=122482&lang=pl

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexed by DOAJ

The Journal of School and University Medicine is member of: crossref - DOI:10.51546/JSUM

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexing in CiteFactor The Journal of School and University Medicine Citefactor.org-Journal|Research Paper|Indexing|Impact factor 


The articles will be added by submitting the manuscript, for any concerns plase email us redactiarmsu@gmail.com.

ISSN: 2392 – 8344

e ISSN: 2392 – 8875

ISSN-L: 2392 – 8344


The authors of scientific articles which appear in the online magazine (as the Journal of School and University Medicine is) will be credited by the Medicine College of Romania (CMR) with 30 EMC points. All authors, regardless the order of appearance, will receive 30 credits. The publication proof is the presentation to the CMR of the article’s first page copy.


The subscription for The Journal of School and University Medicine is credited by the CMR with 10 EMC points.

The annual subscription for 2023 is 100 ron for doctors and can be paid by bank transfer in the following bank account: RO85 BTRL RONC RT00 W212 8103, opened from Societatea Medicilor din Colectivitatile de Copii si Tineri at Transilvania Bank, Cluj.

The delivery address of the journal will be subsequently communicated on the email address: redactiarmsu@gmail.com

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Indexed in

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexed in DOAJ

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexed in Crossref. Crossref logo

The Journal of School and University Medicine is indexing in CiteFactor


ICI Journals Master List

The Journal of School and University Medicine | ICI Journals Master List (indexcopernicus.com)