The Journal of School and University Medicine

Revista De Medicina Scolara si Universitara

ISSN (Print): 2392-8344   ISSN (Online): 2392-8875   DOI: 10.51546/JSUM


Pages: 5-13

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001


Author: Dr. Rodica Traistaru, Dr. Catalina Voinea, Dr. Diana Kamal, Dr.Carmen Statescu

Category: Medical

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AIMS: Spina bifida, one of the frequent congenital anomaly of spine, appears through variable closure defect of vertebral arch, with incomplete development of neural tube, in lumbar or sacral vertebral regions. Imaging examination (mainly radiological) is more essential in diagnosis that clinical evaluation. The objective of this study is to determine if patients suffering from spina bifida occulta and low back pain (without neurological signs) benefits from rehabilitation program.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 13 young patients (6 women, 7 men, aged between 14 - 19 years) were observed (clinical-functional evaluations and radiological investigations) and treated during 2017 - 2018. All subjects were evaluated at beginning and after 4 week kinetic program.

RESULTS: All patients improved in pain and quality of life, the differences between mean score values (visual analogue scale score for pain and the quality life score) were significant better in the end of rehabilitation program.

CONCLUSIONS: Lumbar spine is one of the frequent sites of spina bifida occulta. This abnormality generates pain, stiffness and functional clinical disabilities in association with other spine congenital syndromes (scoliosis, kyphosis). The objective of any preventive or therapeutic rehabilitation program is to teach patients how to help themselves.

Keywords: spina bifida occulta, assessment, rehabilitation program


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