Pages: 20-24
Date of Publication: 30-Jul-2018
The influence of psychosocial stress in the early childhood on physical and mental health in adulthood
Author: Dr. Corina Demian
Category: Medical
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There is a growing interest in studying the consequences of psychosocial stress in early childhood on physical and mental health during life. When stress acts during sensitive developmental periods, it will set a pro-inflammatory cellular response that can persist over the lifecourse. Toxic stress disrupts brain development, some regions of the developing brain are heavier affected, especially the amygdala, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. Hormonally, early stress confers altered patterns of endocrine and autonomic functioning. There is compelling evidence about the link between adverse childhood experiences and unhealthy lifestyle in adulthood, that lead to a wide range of chronic degenerative conditions and mental disorders. In the absence of awareness and preventive and therapeutic interventions, there is an intergenerational cycle of adversity. There is a need for widespread strategies, services and policies guided by current child development research to reduce the effects of childhood toxic stress.
Keywords: stress, childhood adversities, cerebral functioning, adult disease
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