The Journal of School and University Medicine

Revista De Medicina Scolara si Universitara

ISSN (Print): 2392-8344   ISSN (Online): 2392-8875   DOI: 10.51546/JSUM


Pages: 5-14DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2023.10301

Date of Publication: 05-Nov-2023


Author: Gülsün AYRAN, Semra KÖSE, Hamide Nur ÇEVIK ÖZDEMIR, Ahmet Mehmet SOMUNCU

Category: Medical

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Aims: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of anxiety on resiliency levels in mothers of babies with retinopathy of prematurity.

Methods: This is a descriptive and correlational study conducted with mothers who brought their babies to the retinopathy of prematurity examination unit of a university hospital in eastern Turkey between 2021 and December 2022. The study was carried out with 116 mothers meeting the sample inclusion criteria. The study data were collected using the “Question Form,” the “State and Trait Anxiety Scale,” and the “Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale.” The data were interpreted using percentage, mean, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis.

Results: It was found that the mean STAI-S total score of the mothers was 46.74---PlusMinusSymbol---13.34 and the mean CD-RISC total score was 70.05---PlusMinusSymbol---17.63. A statistically significant negative correlation was determined between the anxiety and resilience levels of the mothers of the babies who came for examination. It was determined as a result of multiple regression that birth weight and state anxiety had a statistically significant effect on resilience level.

Conclusions: As anxiety levels increased during retinopathy procedures for premature babies, the resilience levels of mothers decreased.

Keywords: Anxiety, resilience, premature, retinopathy of prematurity


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