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      <JournalTitle>The Journal of School and University Medicine</JournalTitle>
      <ArticleTitle>Sanatatea psiho-emotionala a elevilor în timpul pandemiei COVID-19. Rolul scolii în identificarea elevilor la risc</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Rezumat De la identificarea ?i recunoa?terea bolii de c?tre OMS, urgen?a de s?n?tate public? resprezentat? de COVID-19 a escaladat ?i a amenin?at bun?starea societ??ii la nivel global.?colile,care au un rol esen?ial în bun?starea individual? ?i colectiv? a elevilor,se confrunt? în condi?iile pandemiei globale COVID-19 cu provoc?ri f?r? precedent. Pandemia,care în sine a provocat mult? îngrijorare, stres ?i durere, factori ce pot genera probleme de s?n?tate psiho-emo?ional? pentru oricine ?i pot provoca simptome acute în cazul persoanelor cu probleme de s?n?tate mintal? preexistente,a impus ?i mutarea orelor în format online, pentru a sprijini nevoile educa?ionale ale elevilor, situa?ie generatoare de stres ?i provoc?ri suplimentare.O metod? validat? pentru identificarea elevilor care pot avea probleme de anxietate sau depresie este screening-ul sistematic al popula?iei ?colare.Odat? ce elevii sunt identifica?i cu risc de dificult??i emo?ionale, este important ca ?coala s? aib? un plan de ac?iune pentru a-i conecta pe ace?tia la servicii eficiente de sprijin.Personalul didactic, împreun? cu psihologii ?i medicii ?colari trebuie s? aloce timp pentru promovarea s?n?t??ii mintale, pentru reducerea îngrijor?rilor elevilor, pentru a atenua depresia ?i anxietatea. Se recomand? dezvoltarea ?i promovarea prin intermediul ?colii a unor pachete de interven?ie online pentru sprijinirea elevilor în gestionarea stresului, anxiet??ii ?i depresiei legate de carantina la domiciliu ?i cerin?ele academice ale educa?iei online. O aten?ie sporit? se impune s? fie acordat? elevilor cu tulbur?ri de s?n?tate mintal? preexistente. Abstract Since the identification and recognition of the disease by the WHO, the public health emergency represented by COVID-19 has escalated and threatened the well-being of societies globally. Schools, which play a key role in the individual and collective well-being of students, face unprecedented challenges in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic itself caused a great deal of concern, stress and pain, factors that can cause psycho-emotional health problems for anyone and can cause acute symptoms in people with pre-existing mental health problems and has forced the relocation of hours in online format to support students' educational needs, adding stressful situations and additional challenges. An established method for identifying students who may have anxiety or depression is the systematic screening of the school population. It is important for the school to have an action plan once students are identified as at risk of emotional distress, in order to connect them to effective support services. Teachers, along with school psychologists and physicians, should devote time to promote mental health, reduce students' worries, and alleviate depression and anxiety. It is recommended that schools develop and promote online intervention packages to support students in managing stress, anxiety and depression related to home quarantine and the academic requirements of online education. Increased attention should be paid to students with pre-existing mental health disorders.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>sanatate mintala,elevi,scoala,COVID_19</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://revista-medicina-scolara.ro/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=9683&amp;title=Sanatatea psiho-emotionala a elevilor în timpul pandemiei COVID-19. Rolul scolii în identificarea elevilor la risc</Abstract>