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      <JournalTitle>The Journal of School and University Medicine</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Issue 4</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>October 2018</Season>
          <FirstName>Dr. Adriana</FirstName>
          <FirstName>Dr. Mihaela</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Gabriela</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Cristina</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Daniela Claudia</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Veturia</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Ioana</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Liliana</FirstName>
          <FirstName>As. Iacobina Claudia</FirstName>
      <Abstract>BACKGROUND: Increased Blood Pressure (BP) in childhood is an important determinant of Arterial Hypertension (HTN) and cardiovascular disease in adulthood. &#13;
AIMS: Evaluation of the momentary prevalence of HTN cases in preschool children and the presence of risk factors for early diagnosis and the introduction of primary, secondary or tertiary prophylaxis. &#13;
MATERIAL AND METHOD: The group consisted of 431 pre-school children from the kindergartens with extended programs in T__ampersandsignacirc;rgu Mure? (7 units) and T__ampersandsignacirc;rn?veni (1unit), aged 3-6, 215 girls (50%) and 216 boys (50%), M: F = 1: 1, urban for 85.15% (n = 367), rural for 14.85% (n = 64), evaluation period 15.02.2017 - 30.03.2017. Method: measurement: weight (G), height (H), BMI, BP, anamnesis, personal pathologic history (APP), family medical history(AHC) (related to HTN, and Diabetes Mellitus DM) relatives grade 1 and 2, statistical methods. &#13;
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: Harmonics 15.31% (n = 66), disharmonic (+ G) 16.24% (n = 70) and (-G) 68.44% (n = 295). HTNS 8.12% (n = 35) preHTNS 7.65% (n = 33) nBPS 84.22% (n = 363), HTNS (+ G) 31.42% , 0002, RR = 2.12), HTND 11.60% (n = 50), nBPD 88.40% (n = 381), preHTND 9.74% (n = 42) 27% (n = 18), (p = 0.0001, RR = 2.99), AHC-HTN 12.29% (n = 53) (p = 0.008, RR = 2.38), AHC-DM 6.26% (n = 27), of which with HTN and 48.15% HTN (n = 13) = 2.24), APP - preterm 5.56% (n = 24), 25% HTN (n = 13) (p = 0.39, RR = 1.75), APP - low birth weight 5.10% (n = 22), HTN 4.54% (n = 1), chronic disease 6 (3 HTN). &#13;
CONCLUSIONS: 1.) Pre-school HTN is under diagnosed; in our group we did not have any children with HTN but we found 16.47% (n = 71) pre-school children with HTN std 1 and 2.2.) HTN risk factors showed: weight surplus 15.31% (n = 66) (RR = 2.12 HTNS, RR = 3 HTND), HTN - AHC 12.29% (n = 53) ,(RR=2,38) and / or DM 6.26% (n = 27) (RR = 2.34), prematurity / low birth weight 10.67% (n = 46), (RR=1,75) 3.) BP monitoring from the age of 3 years is required for the early diagnosis of essential and secondary HTN. 4.) Early initiation of prophylactic measures is essential for the prevention of HTN and cardiovascular disease in adolescents and adults.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>preschool children, blood pressure, risk factor</Keywords>
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