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      <JournalTitle>The Journal of School and University Medicine</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 6 Issue 3</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>July - September 2019</Season>
          <FirstName>Tania Lupsa</FirstName>
          <FirstName>Lucia Maria</FirstName>
      <Abstract>BACKGROUND: Due to their beneficial effects on health, World Health Organization recommends a daily minimum intake of fruits and vegetables of 400 g, representing 5 servings per day (each  &#13;
serving containing around 80 g). &#13;
AIMS: The present study focuses on the consumption of fruits and vegetables among secondary  school children from both urban and rural areas from  Cluj county (Romania). It has two objectives. The first  one is to evaluate the frequency and quantity for fruit  and vegetables consumption among the study sample,  while the second objective is to explore several factors which infl uence them. &#13;
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was performed through means of anonymous questionnaires among 187 school students aged  11-15 from the fifth to eight grades from Cluj-Napoca  and Cuzdrioara.  &#13;
Promoting of a healthy nutrition among school  children has important short term as long as long  term consequences on their health, life quality and  socio-economical development [1,2,3]. The princi &#13;
ples of a healthy nutrition includes consumption of  appropriate quantities of fruits and vegetables, meat  or other sources of proteins, dairy products, avoiding  of consumption in excess of foods high in energy, fat,  &#13;
RESULTS: It shows that only half of the study  sample consumes fruits daily and one third consume  vegetables daily. Moreover, the majority eat less than  5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily, with almost  half eating less than two portions daily. No differ &#13;
ences were found based on age, gender or residence  with regard to this issue. The results of the bivariate  correlations showed that consumption of more portions of fruits and vegetables per day was positively  associated with the level of knowledge, as well as  with eating more frequently fruits and vegetables during one week. &#13;
CONCLUSIONS: These results underline the  need for educational activities targeting school children in order to promote consumption of fruits and  vegetables.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>fruits and vegetables consumption, Romanian children, rural and urban  areas, promotion of healthy nutrition</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://revista-medicina-scolara.ro/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=9269&amp;title=CONSUMPTION OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES  AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS  FROM CLUJ COUNTY</Abstract>
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