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Date of Publication: 28-Jan-2018

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Efficient parents - efficiennt children

- case study -

Author: Voichita Soldan, Adriana Neghirla

Category: Medical


Effective parenting begins with the acquisition of scientifically sound information, how to build healthy relationships, the child's growth needs, the human brain architecture, and the cultivation of well-being across the family. We present the case of a male child 8 years old,, a pupil of the second grade, apparently with difficulty of school adaptation, in fact there were identified communication proxies in the parent-child relationship, too high standards and expectations of the parents, without taking into account the limits, skills, competences of the age and the wishes of the child. The recommendations on how to adapt the parental style to the child's style, changing the way of rewarding and motivating the child have led to the harmonization of the relationship within the family and school.

Keywords: parent-child relationship, parental style, school adaptation, effective


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