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Pages: 5-15

Date of Publication: 28-Jan-2018

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Arterial hypertension in adolescents - prospective study

Author: Adriana Neghirla, Iacobina Rus, Cornelia Hategan, Mihaela Onose, Liliana Heinrich, Dumitrita Barsan, Natalia-Stela Dalalau-Rus, Anica Oroian, Mariana Samsudean

Category: Medical


High blood pressure is present and adolescents being a predictor of HTA and cardiovascular disease in adults.

PURPOSE: Assessing the current prevalence of HTA cases in adolescents and the presence of risk factors for early diagnosis and the introduction of primary, secondary or tertiary prophylaxis.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Group: 717 adolescents from 7 high schools in Mures county, aged 15-20 years, sex ratio M: F = 1: 0.96, average Urban: Rural = 0.89: 1. Period: 15.02.2017 - 30.03.2017. Method: measurement of G, H, BMI, BP, SaO2, personal pathological antecedents, AHC relatives grd 1&,2 (HTA,T1,2 DM), risk behaviors (tobacco, alcohol, energy drinks at least 1x / week. Statistica:, maximum, average, chi squared test.

RESULTS: HTA prevalence 18.13% (n = 130), girls 14.77% (n = 52) boys 21.36% (n = 78), urban 6.83% (n = 49) , 29% (n = 81). Evaluation of TAS and TAD based on age, sex, height (percentiles): normal TAS (nTAS) 84.51% (n = 606) and TAD (nTAD) 79% (n = 588) 98% (n = 7), TAD 0.41% (n = 3), HTA: TAS 14.5% (n = 104), TAD 6.837% (n = 49); preHTA: TAS 5.44%, TAD 14.39%, high risk of HTA. HTAS at 13.47% (n = 66) of normoponderal (n = 490), + G (n = 110) to 30.91% (n = 34) (n = 4) (p = 0.000003). HTAD (n = 49) adolescents, +G 34.69% (n = 17), -G 8.16% (n = 4), normoponeral 57.14% (n = 28). Risk behaviors (minimum 1 x / week): smokes 27.05% (n = 194), alcohol 8.5% (n = 61), energy drinks 21% (n = 149). HTA (n = 130): smokers 23.84% (n = 31), alcohol 6.15% (n = 8), energy drinks 17.69% (n = 23) (n = 14). Adolescents with HTA + grade 1 and 2 relatives with HTA 21.53% (n = 28), diabetes mellitus 10% (n = 13). (BMI > + 1) + HTA + relatives with HTA +T2 DM 4.61% (n = 6), (BMI < -1) + HTA + relatives with T2DM 4.61% (n = 6).

CONCLUSIONS: 1. HTA in adolescents is much underdiagnosed and is one of the risk factors associated with the risk for cardiovascular events. 2. The presence of many HTA associated risk factors (obesity, risk behaviors, family factors, etc.) is a public health problem . 3. The need for complex screening and programs to prevent cardiovascular disease from childhood, school medicine being an important resource in their implementation.4. Health education and nutrition education conducted professionally, continuously and according to a coherent program are pressing needs, given that lifestyle is particularly important in both HTA prevention and treatment.


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