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Pages: 23-27

Date of Publication: 30-Apr-2018

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Practical aspects of acute upper respiratory tract infections to the school child

Author: Prof. Dr. Sorin C. MAN

Category: Medical


Acute upper respiratory tract infections (AURTIs) are of particular importance through the frequency they are encountered in clinical practice. Although rarely fatal, they are a significant source of morbidity and have a considerable financial burden. The vast majority of AURTIs are viral, and therefore antibiotic therapy is not necessary. It is important to note that some AURTIs manifestations take over 7 days, and explaining this to parents can avoid repeated consultations for the same illness. In AURTIs care, it has been shown that parental satisfaction can be achieved by providing information about the disease and not necessarily by prescribing antibiotics.

Keywords: respiratory infection, fever, antibiotic, child


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