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Pages: 16-20

Date of Publication: 31-Oct-2018

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The paediatric pacient with sudden death risk. Case report

Author: Pop-Kun Ruxandra-Claudia

Category: Medical


The sudden death of a paediatric patient is a real health problem and it has a powerful emotional response in a family. The symptomatology can de deceiving. Most of the times, it is ignored by the entourage or is mistaken for something else by the medical personnel. In the paedriatic population, the most common causes are canalopathies, cardiomyopathies or myocarditis.

This paper is concentrated around a pacient with minimal unspecific symptoms. A respiratory infection determines a paedriatic consultation. By chance, a sinusal bradycardia is noticed. Further investigations lead to an aggraveded diagnosis.

Keywords: risk, sudden death, paediatric pacient


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