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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 6 Issue 4, October - December 2019

Pages: 5-10
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Study of a Q fever focus in an university medical office

Author: Dr. Pintea Nicoleta Ancuta, Dr. Baciu Simina, Dr. Carmen Varodi

Category: Medical


BACKGROUND: Q fever is an infectious disease, a zoonosis, caused by Coxiella Burnetii, which can have acute or chronic manifestations. AIMS: The present study follows the evolution on 21 cases diagnosis of Q fever students and teachers appeared in the Veterinary Medicine Faculties. MATERIAL AND METHODS: to establish the diagnosis of Q fever, the analysis distributed by sex, the analysis of the hierarchy of symptoms of onset, highlighting the complications, studying the epidemiological investigation, highthting the importance and preventing the hygiene and labor protection norms. RESULTS: Of the 21 patients confi rmed with q fever 66.7% were female, 33.3% were male. Of the confi rmed cases 57.1% were students, 42.5% were teachers. As a hierarchy of the onset symptoms all patients(100%) had high fever, 19 % had headache and myalgia, 14% asthenia, odinophagia altered general condition 9.5% adenopathy, dyspnea and nausea 4.8%. All confi rmed, probable and possible cases recived antibiotic treatment with doxycycline 200 mg

Keywords: Q fever, students, symptoms



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