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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 6 Issue 3, July - September 2019

Pages: 15-20

Date of Publication: 31-Jul-2019

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Author: Ana Georgeta Negrea, Alina Grama, Claudia Sirbe, Tudor Lucian Pop

Category: Medical


In today’s society adolescents are exposed to an unhealthy lifestyle which they later adopt, becoming adults with non-communicable diseases. With a 71% mortality, these chronic diseases can be prevented by an intervention on the main risk factors (smoking, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, alcohol con

sumption, overweight/obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia). Being real public health problems, these factors infl uence each other, summing up their harmful effect on health. Smoking, correlated with decreased physical activity, and associated with an unhealthy diet, predisposes to obesity and subsequently hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, non-alco holic fatty liver disease etc. Statistics on adolescents’ unhealthy lifestyle are alarming, and a change of their perception and behaviour requires collaboration between parents, family doctors, pediatricians and school doctors.

Keywords: adolescents, non-communicable diseases, risk factors


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