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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 6 Issue 3, July - September 2019

Pages: 5-13

Date of Publication: 31-Jul-2019

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Author: Bianca-Georgiana Milcu, Dalida-Ana Domuncu, Dorina-Maria Craciun, Daniela Pitigoi, Victoria Arama

Category: Medical


Influenza is an acute respiratory disease. It holds a top position among infectious pathologies due to its high morbidity and mortality, but also due to its socio-economic implications.

Apart from personal prevention measures, the prevention of infl uenza also includes vaccination and prophylaxis with antivirals. The aim is to present the current methods aimed at preventing seasonal infl u

enza epidemics.

We have reviewed the specifi c literature, the infl uenza guidelines and recommendations. The infl uenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease; until the development of universal infl uenza vaccine, the efforts of physi cians, researchers and policy-makers should focus on increasing vaccination coverage, especially among

Infl uenza is an acute respiratory infection that recurs annually to the attention of medical specialists due to its increased morbidity, complications, excess mortality, but also due to its socio-economic implica

tions [1,2].

Annually, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports 3-5 million fl u illnesses and 290,000- 650,000 deaths. Children, elderly, pregnant women, chronic and immunodepressed patients are the most severely affected [1,3].

Infl uenza generates signifi cant yearly economic costs due to workplace absenteeism, socio-economic disruption, medical care costs [1].

Infl uenza can be prevented or controlled through general measures to prevent respiratory

vaccines formulation and delivery, as well as on the training of medical professionals and population. For preventing infl uenza illnesses, pre-expo sure or post-exposure prophylaxis with antivirals can be considered but it depends on several factors such as costs, compliance, side effects and the most important thing, the risk of emerging antiviral-resistant strains. Nowadays, neuraminidase inhibitors such as oseltamivir and zanamivir are used for infl uenza chem oprophylaxis. In some countries, new antiviral agents (Baloxavir marboxil and Laninamivir) are available. The antiviral agents mustn’t replace the infl u enza vaccine and mustn’t decrease the acceptability rate of infl uenza vaccination.

Keywords: influenza, prophylaxis, antivirals, vaccination


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