THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 7 Issue 1-2, January - June 2020
Pages: 20-28
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Author: Dr. Pintea Nicoleta Ancuta
Category: Medical
The assesment of the health status of the students and foreign students in the student and school offices requires a comprehensive approach, includes the recording of patient data, pathological and personal history, the history of vaccinations performed prior to entering the Romania, requesting medical documents regarding the health status of the holther, issued in the country of origin, conducting the objective clinical examination on devices and systems, recording the clinical parameters, assessing the risk for public health, summarizing the examiners’findings regarding the health status of the evaluated ones, recommendations as appropiate of serological tests for the endagered diseases public health, recommendations as appropiate for specialist consultation, possibly treatment indications (within thw competence of evaluators).
The assesment of the health status of foreign students and students and the formulation of the conclusions will have to respect the Patients’Rights, the European Directives, The Deontological Code of the doctor and the medical assistant as well as the law of medical malpractice.
Keywords: assessment of the health status, foreign students and student, residence permit
- Handbook for health professionals. Health assessment of refugees and migrants in the EU/EEA; EUropean Comission and IOM, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015. Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged.
- Council Directive 64/221 / EEC of 25 February 1964 on the coordination of special measures relating to the movement and residence of foreign nationals, justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health
- Health Minister's Order number 653/ 2001 regarding the medical assistance of preschoolers, pupils and students published in the Official Gazette of Romania on December 5, 2001
- The code of medical deontology approved by the Decision of the General Assembly of the Romanian College of Physicians no. 3 / 04.11.2016, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no.981 of December 7, 2016
- Code of Ethics and Deontology of the generalist nurse, midwife and nurse in Romania approved by Decision no. 2 of July 9, 2009 of the Order of General Nurses, Midwives and Nurses in Romania, published in the Official Gazette no. 560 of 12 August 2009
- The right to medical information. Law no. 46/2003 and the Application Norms approved by the Order of the Ministry of Public Health no. 386/2004
- International Statistical Classification of Related Diseases and Health Problems, Revision 10, Australian Amendment (ICD-10-AM). Volumes 1–5. Volumes 1 and 2 are based on the International Statistical Classification of Related Diseases and Health Problems, Revision 10 (ICD-10) © Copyright World Health Organization 1992 including WHO 2000 updates. All rights reserved. Modified by permission for the purposes of the Australian Government, where applicable.
- Law 95 of 2006, malpractice, Civil liability of medical personnel chapter 1 art.642