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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 11, Issue 1, January-March 2024

Pages: 5-17
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Author: Mustansir Aziz Kitab, Neethu Siddharth, Roshini PA, Uppili Venkat Ragavan M, Arun Murugan S, Ramasubramanian R, Kirubakaran S, Vijayalakshmi Praveen R, SathishKumar K

Category: Medical



Knowledge of BLS and practice of simple CPR techniques increase the chances of survival of the patient until experienced medical help arrives and, in most cases, is sufficient for survival in itself. It is important that those who may be present at the scene of a cardiac arrest, particularly lay bystanders, have knowledge of appropriate resuscitation skills and the ability to put these into practice. Therefore, this study was done to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Basic Life Support among nonmedical adult population in Chennai.


This was a community based Cross-sectional study conducted between February to March 2023 among individuals residing in an urban locality of Chennai, Tamilnadu. Individuals of both genders aged 18 years and above who were not graduated from or studying at any medical field colleges (medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, and laboratory) were included in the study. Sample size was calculated to be 399. Sampling was done by random walk method. Institution Ethics approval was obtained prior to the start of the study. Data was collected using a structured, interviewer administered pre-validated questionnaire.


The mean age of the respondents was 41.3 ± 6.5 years and about 53.6% of the respondents were males. When questioned about this 39% had answered to call an ambulance, while 38% gave the response to call other pedestrians, 23% had stated “Ensure the safety of the scene” while nobody had chosen the response “start compressions”. For the question regarding the rate of chest compressions on an unresponsive victim 47% of the participants answered 100-200/min while 31% had answered 80-100/min, 15% had answered as fast as possible and 7% gave the response “I don’t know”. About 81% of the participants had never received any training on CPR and 98% of them think that CPR training should be offered to the public.


Majority of the population did not have the chance to learn about BLS and training for the same must be provided from childhood in places such as schools and summer workshops. Even basic introduction and workshops in BLS will be useful in improving the ability of the public in recognising people in cardiac arrest and initiating BLS.

Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, practice, Basis Life support, non-medical adults

DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2024.1101



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