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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 8 issue 4, October-December 2021

Pages: 24-33
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Author: Nurten ARSLAN ISIK

Category: Medical


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to compare the pre- and post-training knowledge and approaches of the nursing students on child abuse and neglect.

DESIGN AND METHODS: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with 55 students studying in the nursing department of a university.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: The results of the study showed that "awareness training" was an effective program for increasing awareness of child abuse and neglect prevention.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study show that nursing students have inadequate knowledge and awareness of child abuse and neglect as well as wrong attitudes and behaviors. It is observed that education significantly increases the level of knowledge of nurses about child neglect and abuse.

Keywords: child abuse and neglect, university student, education

DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2021.8402



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