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THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEDICINE - Volume 8, Issue 3, July-September 2021

Pages: 43-60
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Author: Csilla Szava, Csaba Degi

Category: Medical


The image we create of ourselves functions as some imprint in our lives and influences our mindset and coping mechanisms. Nowadays, there is a growing number of research addressing the adverse outcomes that inappropriate or unrealistic body image may have in the recovery process of chronic patients. Part of society takes the view that cancer is a death warrant in itself. These factors represent an immense source of stress for them that they must take on day by day. However, while going through this process, they need to have resources ready to tap into their inner resources. The research at hand presents the effectiveness of the promotion and application of the Williams LifeSkills Programme concerning coping mechanisms (Stauder, 2016), which contributes to the stress management of people suffering from the effects of cancer, to making their coping more effective and developing their social skills. In the program, participants were allowed to learn strategies and master techniques whose application serves as a more efficient way to address their current needs. The Williams LifeSkills Programme has never been used before with oncology patients in Romania, only in the territory of Hungary (Rohánszky, 2021). In terms of body image assessment, this skills development program was used to consider a new perspective, wherein essential connections were revealed concerning coping methods. To positively influence participants' self-acceptance and body image, particular emphasis was placed on inserting music and dance choreographies into the activities, which, besides creating a community experience, served to relieve inner tension and channel the stress. A group of 11 cancer survivor patients took part in the life skills development intervention. The mental health intervention led to improvements in shifting the group's coping mechanisms at the cognitive level. Based on results obtained at the end of the intervention period, group members favored cognitive restructuring over the initially adopted stress-reduction method. Professionally speaking, we consider it essential that this skills development program be applied in cancer support groups since people struggling with the effects of the disease require cognitive assistance in their problem solving and stress management, just as healthy individuals are.

Keywords: body image, self-esteem, modes of coping, stress reduction, cognitive restructuring

DOI: 10.51546/JSUM.2021.8304



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